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  • Συνεργασία με το Τμήμα Μηχανολόγων Μηχανικών του Πανεπιστημίου Θεσσαλίας. Σύνταξη πινάκων υπολογισμού χαλυβδοφύλλων - Μεταλλεμπορική
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    The Department of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Thessaly has compiled composite steel deck load span tables for our company. The work was prepared by Spyros A. Karamanos, professor of “Construction Engineering” (scientific supervisor) and by Theocharis Papatheocharis, Civil Engineer.

    Load span tables are calculated for various steel sheet thicknesses (t) for profiles 50/190, 80/293 and 98/280, for spans 1 meter up to 3 meters, for concrete thicknesses (hc) 14cm up to 20cm and for three (3) types of static structure (single, two and three spans) and provide the following properties:

    • Given the type of static structure and the span (L), it is possible to calculate the concrete thickness which satisfies a particular limit load requirement.
    • Given the concrete thickness, and the type of static structure, it is possible to determine the span (L) that satisfies a particular limit load requirement.
    • Given the concrete thickness and the span length, it is possible to determine the maximum load that the system can bear.

    Load span tables are calculated with concrete quality C20/25 and reinforcement steel B500C. Also, at the support points with negative moments for static structures with two or more spans, tables are accompanied with reinforcement steel requirements.

    The related load span tables study is attached, in each product description of concrete steel decks.

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